Sunday, December 28, 2008

Clutter and My Organization Skills (or lack of skills)

I hate clutter. I'm not a freak about the fact that I hate clutter, but I do. People who do not have a lot of stress in their lives, usually live without clutter. I'm not talking about the appearances on the outside, like a clean house or a clean garage. Usually everything from their socks drawers and scrapbooking area is completely clutter free. I am NOT this way. I wish that I was. I don't feel like I have a whole lot of stress in my life, but I wish my junk drawer was the perfect mixture of a few pencils, paper clips, post it notes, and a calculator. I actually just looked through my junk drawer (in our kitchen) and found 2 binkis, 2 things of deodorant, tons of make-up, lots of old photos, Christmas candy from last year, about 30 old batteries, books of matches from the 90's...oh and a fake spider that my daughter got at a Halloween party this year (which scared the crap out of me). Anyways, my goal for 2009 (Goal, not resolution) is to become even more organized than I am now. I am pretty dang organized, but the little things in my life are not. Anyways, to get to my point, I came across this blog today and I thought I would share it with you. And gosh, I've found some great things to help me with my goal this coming year! Check it out and let me know what you think!

I'm in the middle of trying to download some Christmas photos onto our laptop, but haven't been successful as of yet. Hopefully soon I'll be able to post on our wonderful Christmas and Snowpocalypse of 2008 (as our Pastor calls it) here soon. What a lovely time to live in the great Northwest!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


My daughter was watching the "My Little Pony" cartoon this morning. The ponies were very concerned that Santa wasn't going to make it to their town (for some reason or another). One pony said "Oh no, without Santa there is no Christmas!" It made me very sad to think about the message it was sending out to little children who were watching the show. Don't get me wrong, I took Ava to see Santa at the mall, and have explained that Santa is the one who will be bringing gifts to her this year. But it really made me think about my duty, as a mother, to explain the true reason as to why we celebrate Christmas every year. My parents always did a wonderful job of helping us realize the meaning of Christmas, and what it's all about. Now it's my duty to pass this along to my precious little daughter. Talking about Santa is alot of fun, but I don't want her to feel like that's all it is about. So, this year we will be starting a new tradition in our family on Christmas morning (since she was too little in the past to know what was going on) that I'm really excited about it! I'm excited to continue building some memories with our family and celebrating the birth of our Savior. I also want her to realize that there are so many children and families out there who do not have the financial means to open up gifts on Christmas morning. We purchased some gifts yesterday that we will be giving to a family in need. I would encourage you to do the same! It's a wonderful feeling and experience to see the joy brought to tiny little faces who normally do not get much...or anything at all. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy the time spent with your loved ones!

Luke 2:11 "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord."

Thursday, December 11, 2008


'If you read this blog, you know that I love finding great deals and free stuff online. Recently, I was turned on to Pandora on the Internet. This may already be well known among some of you, but it's new to me! To sum it up, it's a free music application that lets you build your own radio stations and shuffle through some of your favorite music/artists/genre's. I love music, all different types of music, and this application is wonderful! If you check it out, let me know what you think! Or, if you have another well kept Internet secret, please share! Although, at that point it wouldn't be a secret anymore....

I have been going back and forth between Christmas music. I have a love/hate relationship with Christmas music. Sometimes I can't get enough, and sometimes it drives me crazy. Today, I can't get enough! Can you believe there's only 2 weeks left until Christmas? Maybe I should start my shopping? Seriously...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Things I Am Thankful For Today

I started writing a post on Thanksgiving day about some things I am thankful for. However, I never got around to posting it (since we were hosting Thanksgiving this year and I was pretty focused on cooking my first turkey)! Today I found myself thinking about some things I was thankful for, so I figured it would be a good time to finish it. Here goes...

Quality time with my husband and Ava. No matter what we're doing, it is the best time ever.

Date nights with my husband, he makes me laugh more than any other person in this world.

Target. I am addicted. We just got back from Target....$200 later....and didn't even find what we were looking for. It is not good that we live less than 1/2 a mile from a Target.

My mom. She has the biggest heart out of anyone I know. I am extremely thankful for the morals and values she taught me while growing up and am proud to be called her daughter.

A clean house.

How wonderful my husband is at folding clothes. Even if he comes home to 8 loads of clean clothes thrown onto the couch.....he will fold all of them because I hate to fold laundry. That's a good man!

My sisters. They are my best friends and know me better than anyone else. We are all complete opposites of eachother which is fun too.

My hair straightener.


Every unanswered prayer that I've had, and God did not answer. I can now see why things have turned out the way they have. No matter how much I couldn't see it in the past, I am so grateful for unanswered prayers.

Dental Floss.

Our hot tub, it really helps when my virus is acting up....or after a stressful day.

Shrek. Without that movie (1, 2 or 3) I couldn't blog, facebook, check email or clean the house. My daughter is obsessed with Shrek (and Finding Nemo too)...and for that, I am grateful.

Back Rubs (preferably getting them!)

John 11:25

So, what are all of you thankful for?