Thursday, March 26, 2009
My Spin On Chicken Nachos

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Global Food Crisis Day

Tomorrow is Global Food Crisis Day. I am going to partake in the challenge and stick to eating only one cup of rice per day (which is equivalent to what many children and families around the world are only able to eat in a given day). I know that this challenge won't make a difference in the world, but I hope that it will raise awareness in myself.....make a difference in myself; my attitude. It absolutely breaks my heart to read the statistics up above. I could never imagine watching my child go hungry. When you are a mother, the desire to provide for your family is a constant aching in your heart....a constant battle. Thinking about families all over the world who have to watch their children go hungry is devastating. Here are a few more statistics.
• $13 helps a child for one month
• $39 helps three children for one month
• $78 helps six children for one month
If these statistics have weighed heavy on your heart, I would encourage you to donate. If you can't donate, I would encourage you to partake in the challenge. One cup of rice tomorrow. That's it. Let me know if you do this, I'd love to hear about it!
http://www.one.org/, http://www.bread.org/, http://www.unicef.org/, http://www.who.int/, http://www.unep.org/
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Day 2 Since The Binkie Fairy Arrived...

I've had alot of people ask me how things have been around the Heston Household since the magical Binkie Fairy came on Friday night. Let's just say that we're all a little tired around here. Saturday morning was pretty difficult for me (I know, this all sounds really pathetic, you don't have to comment on that....). Josh, I mean, the Binkie Fairy, thought it would be a good idea around 4am on Saturday morning to just rip out the binkie from poor Ava's mouth and let her wake up around 8am without it. What Josh, I mean the Binkie Fairy, did not plan on was Ava waking up IMMEDIATELY in major melt-down mode trying to figure out why her binkie had been ripped from her mouth suddenly in the middle of her slumber. Both barbies were waiting for her on her pillow (like we had told her would happen)....but she was NOT having it at all. After throwing both barbies across the room, throwing a fit for about 2 hours sobbing and asking me "where is my binkie? Mama, please go get me another binkie!".....she finally calmed down and watched a movie with me (mind you, this was still at like 5:30am). I didn't think it would be so hard on me. Hearing your daughter sobbing unconditionally, and knowing that you could fix it (by caving and just going to the store for a new binkie), was really difficult for me. I think it is because I'm such a people pleaser. I can NEVER say no to anyone. Don't get me wrong, Ava does not get everything she wants, but there is nothing harder than seeing your child suffer. I know that this is all very silly, but I did get teary eyed and felt bad for her! She's had her 'plug' ever since she was one day old, and I can only imagine what children go through when their security items are taken away.
Anyways, all of that aside, today has been a much better day. None of us have really slept all that much this weekend (of course, I'm getting over being really sick and having Ava wake up every couple of hours screaming for her binkie haven't helped much) but we're getting through it. Thank you for all of your funny emails and comments. Parenting is such a wonderful journey and it's comforting knowing that we're all in this together!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Dear Ava...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A Few Thoughts From Last Night...
#1. When they show Jason proposing to someone in the beginning of the Bachelor (on the beginning highlights for the seasons show when we first started watching in January), they show him proposing to a gal wearing a light blue dress. However, neither Mel or Molly were wearing a light blue dress at the finale. Isn't that odd? Seriously, play back the previews from the first Bachelor preview and watch him down on one knee....it was totally fabricated. Or, check out the blogs that show him proposing to someone in the previews. It's not the same person. They do, however, go as far to show him proposing to a girl wearing a gold pinky ring (which was obviously Melissa). This shows you how badly they wanted everyone to think it was Melissa who won. AND, if Jason really broke up with Melissa at the ATRF (After the Rose finale) that was filmed in January....they wouldn't have needed to make it seem like he was indeed proposing to her in NZ (since they knew the outcome before it aired). It seems like this whole heart-break dump was planned from the beginning (no matter how much Jason and ABC try to deny it)...
#2. The WHOLE reason they taped the 'finale after the rose' without audience members, is because Molly and Jason were ACTING the whole time. There is no other reason that they would not have taped it in front of audience members. Since it was all an act, they knew that they would need to stop-plays, re-do scenes, and cut out alot of the retakes that they had to do. You could TOTALLY tell after they had seen eachother for the 'first time' that they had seen eachother since the send-off in NZ. You could tell when they greeted eachother and said "Oh my gosh, it's been awhile!" that they were totally faking it. They had to of seen eachother since New Zealand and they were trying to make it seem like they hadn't.
#3. Any normal girl in the real world would not have accepted a proposal to get back together with someone that quickly after they had split up (on national television) after a 2 month romance with another girl. Molly said herself how angry she was when he broke up with her, and any normal girl would not be making out and holding hands with a guy who had been engaged 'up until that point' and had JUST dumped his fiance on national television. Come on. Who would do that? This also goes to show you just how much of a prick Jason is. You don't break up with a fiance and then make out with the runner up on National TV 5 minutes later. Where is your sensitivity chip?
#4. All of the contestants who sign up on the bachelor/bachelorette are signed to a 5 million contract. This means, if they spill the beans about the show, they can be sued for 5 million dollars. This is exactly why none of the girls who were involved in this show can really talk about what happened (behind the cameras). It sucks that it has to be this way. It is horrible that good girls like Melissa have to deal with all of this crap. In the end, it's always the good girls that suffer.
I don't know why I care this much. I will sit here and talk about the fact that I will never watch this horrible show ever again, but I know I will. It's horrible that ABC can get all of us this hooked and make it ruin our week since we feel bad for Melissa. I guess the only happiness I have is that Jason will have to deal with his choices/consequences and we all know that this stupid relationship with Molly will have a shorter shelf life than the yogurt in my fridge. And if I'm wrong, I will make it up to all of you.