Okay, I see alot of crazy things here in Washington. Some of them shock me, while others don't. Just thought I'd share with you something that shocked me on Friday evening.....this might not shock alot of you...but it did me.
Friday evening Josh plays is a softball league with our church team. He'll drop off Ava to my work and we'll head over to the fields for a fun (and usually freezing) Friday night watching a couple of softball games. On this particular Friday I wanted to pick up a coffee on the way to the game. Usually I would try to find a Starbucks, but we were in a hurry and needed to hit up a local drive through. I drove by one of the drive throughs....closed. The next one I saw was about a quarter of a mile down the street with flashing lights 'espresso espresso'. Perfect.
I had to wait in line as one customer purchased their coffee. It seemed like it was taking an awful long time. I almost got frustrated and drove away since we were already late for the game. But, by this time, 3 car fulls of people had pulled in behind me. When it was my turn, I pulled up to the window to order my overpriced beverage. I was greeted by a girl wearing star shaped pasties on her chest, and a thong underwear. At this point, I could do 1 of 3 things.
A. Drive away
B. Order my drink, and pretend like everything was normal
C. Order my drink, and ask her why on earth such a beautiful girl would do this to herself
I chose B. We ordered our normal drinks (Ava usually gets a steamed milk) all the while, Ava was in the back of the car screaming things like "Mama, where are her clothes?" "Mama, that's SILLY", "Mama, she's NAKED!". It was absolutely hilarious. The 'naked girl' serving our coffee could obviously here my fearless daughter saying these things. The only thing I said to her was "Aren't you cold? It's freezing out!". To which she replied, "No, it's a bit windy...but that helps the tips". I didn't know what she meant by this until I realized....cold weather+naked girl=you know what I'm talking about. Come on now. Seriously? I know to most of you, this is old news. But I have never, ever, had a naked person serve me my coffee. I've heard of the lingere stands, but this seems to be on a whole different level. What if the steaming hot milk splattered on her? Why did she work alone, in that outfit? Wouldn't she be scared of someone trying to take advantage of her? I just did not get it at all. This is Washington. It's not like we're in OC California where the weather is really nice. It's freaking freezing here all of the time. I realized at that point why the person in front of me was taking such a long time, and then looked behind me to the 3 cars of people (all men of course). Maybe it's just the age I am, but I felt really bad subjecting my daughter to that. We did get a good laugh out of it though. The name of the place had 'bikini' in the title, but there was no bikini going on. It was straight pasties, and a thong. That's all folks. Just wanted to share. What types of things have shocked you this week?
Last blog, but the beginning of a new one
16 years ago