All of these pictures worry me for different reasons. The first one is obvious. My husband and I found a tarantula in our house yesterday. Okay, I'm not sure if it was really a tarantula. It had 8 legs, hair, and was jet black. Does anyone know what kind of spider this is? Anyways, it totally freaked me out. If you know me, you know I'm TERRIFIED of spiders. Thank the Lord that Josh was home when I came upon this little guy (actually quite large guy). Otherwise I would have had to call the exterminator.
The picture of Ava doing her make-up worries me. She is such a girly-girl (which is fun for me) but also frightening at the same time. It seems she is constantly getting into my make-up, high heels, jewelry, and lotions. It can make quite a mess if I don't catch her right away! She is also the sassiest little thing I've ever met. I am in for a wonderful and exciting journey in her teenage/adolescent years. It is sad how fast she is growing up. This picure of her posing in her little mermaid nightie reminded me of how big she's getting. (This was a hand-me-down from my best friend's little girl and as you can see it's been put to good use!)
The last picture worries me because it has been like pulling teeth around our house to get Ava to eat anything these past few weeks (unless it's Pizza). I know that this is very common in toddlers. It's just very frustrating! She makes it seem like torture to finish all of her bites before leaving the dinner table. And now shes lost a bit of weight and her pants don't fit. I wish I had this problem. Any suggestions? I need some!
I wish I could help you with your worries. I can offer some sympathy though. We actually found that same spider in our dining room a few weeks ago...I killed him with a shoe (my Josh is afraid of spiders so that's my job:-) As far as your Ava, she is something else, and so stinkin cute!!! But, hopefully you have a few more years before the boys come knocking.
Thanks for the post! I love the pics and the perspective.
She sure is cute. Not the spider, but Ava! I'm sure you have a few more years before you have to worry. I think a lot of girls play dress up. She just wants to be like her mommy! I'm no mommy, so I'm not sure about the pizza and the spider...well, I wouldn't like that either.
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