Saturday, May 9, 2009

My 27th Birthday...

Two weeks ago, I celebrated my 27th birthday. I don't know why, but I always forget how old I am now (even when I just wrote 'my 27th birthday' I had to do the math.....seriously). I'm not a huge fan of my birthday (like some people are) but it is fun having a few days where people are extra nice to you and do fun little things for you (like buying you coffee, giving you a sweet card, hearing from those people you barely ever talk to, etc) but the best part about birthdays (for me anyways) is spending quality time with my family and close friends. Josh always goes above and beyond making me feel it was a fun-filled weekend. And it helps that I have an awesome boss who gives us our birthdays off! I actually chose to take the following Monday as my birthday day off since there were a couple of things that needed to get done (my birthday was on a Friday this year)....SO, here's a breakdown of what I did to celebrate and also a few pics to go with everything (which will probably end up posting at the top of my blog since I still cannot figure out how to post pictures at the end of my blog). Ha ha. Maybe that'll be my goal to try and figure out during the 27th year of my life. :)

Also, I'm mainly posting the following list of events so that I have them for my own memory. It seems as the years go by, I start forgetting little things and details (which totally annoys me since I am usually notorious for my brilliant memory of events and remembering details towards all of the small things). In high school, I could watch a movie and recite almost any line in that particular movie afterwards. My friends would always laugh, but I think it partially drove them nuts. To this day, I can probably recite any full scene from a Friends episode that I've seen. It's a really weird talent that I have. Anyways, if you're approaching your 30's, have a 3 year old, balance work/mothering, training for a 1/2 marathon, struggling with Fibromyalgia and auto-immune stuff, or any one of the above....not to mention all of those above things at the same probably struggle with remembering past events and the small details too. Lately it seems as though I can barely remember to take out the garbage every Wednesday morning. Anyways, here's to being 27! And mainly, by doing this every year on my blog, I won't be racking my brain trying to remember what I spent the previous birthday doing. :)

Friday (my actual Birthday) Josh surprised me at the office with a dozen roses, my princess Ava by his side, a Jamba Juice, and was planning to take a walk with me like I normally do on my break if time allows (how sweet) but the weather was crummy and I had a pile of work on my desk that needed to go away (especially with my 3-day weekend ahead and all). Therefore I got to have about 20 minutes of Ava in my office helping me make some very important phone calls. I also got to show her off to a couple of my favorite clients. That night, my best friend Kym's family came over for a BBQ and the kiddos played together all night. Kym, if you ever read this, thank you for always being there for me and just being that person you are to me. I love you like my sister and am so thankful for everything we've been through together. I love you!

I have no clue what I did on Saturday......let me think for a second about that one.......(do you see why I'm posting this?) Ha ha.

Okay, now I remember, Saturday I woke up to some sunshine and took a 3 mile jog with Ava. Then we did my favorite thing to do on a Saturday afternoon.....stuff around the house, yard work, taking Ava to the park, etc.... After Ava's nap we took a family trip up to the Outlet Malls and I blew most of my birthday cash at the Nike Store on a bunch of new work out clothes, running shoes, and stuff like that. I also picked out a few shirts from the GAP (don't think I bought anything there since high school) but they actually had some cute tee's for like $6/piece! Right up my ally.

Sunday was spent with both of our families at the Emerald Downs, where I gambled away the rest of my birthday money (I actually hit a tri-fecta and picked the winning horse in race one....won $90 on a $4 bet....and the rest went south from then on). There were great times to be had by all. If you live in this area and have never been to the Emerald Downs, I would definitely suggest going! The kids also have fun getting to see the horses up close, and going in the kid-friendly toys. We had a caricaturist draw Ava's picture, and it turned out adorable.

Monday was, of course, the day I had off for my I took care of some loose ends around the house, went to an appointment, and finished de-junking some of our closets (with the glorious help of my little princess of course).
All in all it was a fabulous weekend and I'm one year closer to being 30 now. My goal is to keep this blog updated until I turn 30. (I just came up with that, by the way). This way I can listen to myself whine about how old I'm getting every year, all-the-while wishing I could go back to being the age I was the previous year, and reminisce about how young my daughter looks in all of the photos we take each year. In all seriousness though, I do feel more and more blessed as the years go by. In that respect, I guess getting older is not that bad. Here's to being 27.