Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Recipe Link

If you are looking for an easy recipe link, try out http://www.tasteofhome.com/. The website itself is sometimes slow, but you can search for recipes based off of the main ingredient, calorie info/low fat info, time duration of recipe, etc... It's pretty awesome. Also, if you click on the advanced search tab, it allows you to input specific ingredients in your refrigerator (or freezer) that you are trying to get rid of and it can search for recipes with those types of ingredients. This is perfect when you don't know what to cook and are trying to use up what's in your fridge. I did the Hawaiian Chicken recipe one time (only I added some water chestnuts and carrots to the bake) and it was pretty good, and low fat.

On another note, Ava has officially moved into a big girl bed. Here are some photos. She is pretty excited! Okay, once again I cannot seem to figure out how to move the photos to the bottom of this post, so they are at the top. Can anyone out there help me with this? Ha.

Friday, September 26, 2008

I Realized Something Today

Today I realized that there is a way to get my daughter to obey me on the first try (well, most of the time). Are you ready for this? It's called "Do not give her any other options". For example, after we got home from a long day today I had my hands full and could not get Ava to go inside the house before our alarm would go off (which has happened several times before in the past, our neighbors must hate us). I kept saying, "Ava, can you please go inside honey?" Her answer was simple. No. This went on for a bit and the alarm was beeping really fast by this point, screaming at me to turn it off. Finally after awhile I said "Ava you go inside right now, or else you will have a time out". She said okay and walked inside. It was then that I realized I give her way too much control over decision making. If you give children the chance, they will always push their boundaries (more often than not). I read this book (can't recall the name of it for the life of me) and one of the chapters clicked into my mind today. It talked about giving your child 2 options, and 2 options only when you are trying to get them to do something. For instance, if we are getting ready for bed, I can say.... "Ava, would you like to go to bed right now or in 2 minutes". She always chooses the 2 minute option (of course). Children are so predictable. However, after the 2 minutes are up, she will go straight to bed. Now, if I were to say "Ava, it's time for bed, let's go upstairs" she would throw a tantrum. Okay, I know it's not rocket science but I literally did not realize until today that one of the reasons she doesn't obey me as much as I would like her to is because I ask her to do something, rather than tell her to do something and sometimes forfeiting the consequences afterwards (okay all you mom's out there, how many times have you threatened to give a time out and not follow through at the end). I am guilty as charged more often than not.

Wouldn't it be great if God did this in our spiritual lives? Wouldn't it be wonderful if he laid it out there on the table for us, so his plan for our life was crystal clear? Well, he does. But if you are anything like me, you will push your boundaries and try to take the easy way out so we can do it our way, the easier way. I know that I was born to be a mother and wife, but my more important role is raising a family that will lead others to Christ. We are all children of God, and we need to obey him just as we want our children to obey us. Sometimes this can be a simple decision or a life altering one.

I was talking to my friend Erin a couple of weeks ago about her and her husbands decision to leave their lives and family in California to move up here and help start Pathway's Church. I love hearing people's stories, and hers is a great one. I was trying to figure out how she knew that God was calling them to Seattle. It really got me thinking. Usually what He wants me to do is not what I want to hear. Sometimes I feel as though he is asking me to do something, rather than telling me to do something. Or maybe he is giving me 2 options, and I am choosing the option he didn't want me to. We know what he wants us to do, but we try to choose another way out, the easier way out. I am the type of person who would read the last chaper in a book first, just so that I knew how it ended before I committed the time to read it. There is just something that all of us love about immediate gratification in today's age. I put 110% into being a good mom and wife, but I really need to put in the extra effort with my faith and in trusing him too. How do I expect my daughter to obey me on the first command, when I am asking God for my alternative option as well?


I absolutely love Thursday's. Working 4 10's is nice because I get to have a day off during the week with my precious Ava. Yesterday my sister-in-law Christy came over with her kiddos and colored my hair, and cut Ava's hair. She is awesome for coming to my house and doing that kind of stuff for us (so I don't have to bring a 2 year old to the salon for an hour and a half while I get my hair done). The first time Ava got her hair cut, she screamed her head off. She is my little drama queen. But now she loves getting her hair cut. Here are some photos of her first hair cut. (Okay, I don't know how to upload pictures very well so they are at the top of the post).... isn't that face to die for? It was so hard not to laugh because she really was angry about the whole thing.
Anyways, back to Thursday's....I love having one day alone with Ava and doing fun things together. We usually meet up with my friend Jennie and walk 6 miles on the trail by our house, but Jennie is in Vegas this week so it gave us an excuse to stay inside all day long watching Sesame Street, playing with her dollhouse, reading books, and just spending time together. Plus, I only have to come back to work for one day before having the weekend off! Don't get me wrong, I would love to be a stay at home mom, but for now I need to continue working. Hopefully by the time we have our second child I will be able to stay at home, or work part time (no I'm not pregnant). I think that being a stay at home mom is the most challenging job that there is. Not to mention people who run their own daycares. Ava's daycare is the most fabulous place ever. It is a small daycare out of my friends-mom's-best friend's-house. She is the most organized person and does fun crafts/games with the kids all day long (usually there are only 3 or 4 kids everyday). Ava loves going there, which is a wonderful feeling. My friend's daughter goes there now too, and they are like 2 peas in a pod! Okay, I'm rambling now. Better end this post before I continue to go on and on and on.....

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Weekend and other random thoughts

Well, I recovered from whatever it was that I had on Friday, and my wonderful husband treated me to a pedicure on Saturday! I am addicted to pedicures, and cannot get enough of them. However, as everything from groceries to gas keeps getting more and more expensive....so do pedicures. What a tragedy. I only get one about every couple of months now. One of our clients at work just told us that she has a pedicure/manicure on wheels business. She comes out to your office/home and does your toes and nails without accepting any tips. If you want her info, please leave me a comment and I'll send it to you! Needless to say, us gals at the office thought it sounded like a wonderful idea and booked her all of next Wednesday afternoon. (Don't tell my husband....unless he is reading this)...

My brother was in town Saturday night. He is such a funny guy, I always tell him he needs to join Saturday Night Live or somehting. There is never a dull moment when we're around him, I find myself laughing all night long. We hope to see his family again during the Holidays.

I also visited my friend's church with great friends Kym and Nicki on Sunday, which was alot of fun. Ava enjoyed playing with some new friends in the Sunday School class as well. She gets so excited for Sunday School, I feel horrible on days that we can't make it. God Bless Sunday School Workers! The workers at our home church are amazing and their ministry is such a blessing to little children.

I also realized today just how much I answer questions with "Because I Said So" when talking to dear little Ava. In a previous post I talked about how much little girls (and I'm sure boys too...although I have none) ask millions and millions of questions all day long. Now she asks me "Why" after every answer I give. Usually I answer with "Because I said so" or "Because I'm the mommy" or "Because it's almost bedtime". Well, today after I picked up Ava from daycare I asked her if she shared her snacks with Jo Jo (my friend Julie's little girl) and her answer was "No, I not share". So I asked her (trying to hide my laughter)...."Why didn't you share?" and she said "BECAUSE I SAID SO". Well, how in the heck do I make a rebuttle to that?!?

I also opened up my email tonight and found about 6 emails from a gal named "Betty Sue Christensen". She claims that we are long lost friends from highschool and I need to contact her business to talk about the products she can offer me. Well Betty Sue, not only do I not know who you are...I did not have any friends named Betty Sue in High School, you spelled my name wrong, and I am not interested in pet products (since the only pet we have is a beta fish). Please remove me from your mailing list Betty Sue. Good effort though.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Free Stuff

Do you like getting free stuff? Was that a stupid question? I don't know about you, but I love getting stuff for free (in the mail, at the mall, etc...). If you are like me, you should probably check out http://absurdlycool.com/. You can search for stuff you think you might use, and it's great! My friend told me about it, and I have found some great stuff here.

I'm sick today. Not fun. I think it's going around. Bring on the fall!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Wedding Filled Weekend

I had the special privilege of attending 2 weddings this weekend. The first was my dear friend Crystal, who has been a sister figure to me and has been a part of our family during the past several years. Ava and her cousin Kendal were the flower divas. The day was absolutely gorgeous and it was an honor to watch Crystal and Jono commit their lives to one-another before God, their family, and dearest friends. I am so incredibly happy for the both of them. Their lives and story are a true testament to the Lord Jesus and how amazing he is when you put your trust in him. Here are a few photos of the day. Ava and Kendal wanted to play with sticks most of the day. In one of the photos you can see Kendal whipping Ava in the face with a stick (as Ava tries desperately to block it). Priceless. I also attached a photo of Ava getting her toes and fingers painted by mommy at our house the night before. She loves getting manicures and pedicures, but I try to save them for special occasions only (since they can take a VERY long time)! Plus, those little hands are very hard to keep still. Always on the go....but which 2 year old isn't?

I love you Crystal and Jono! Thank you for making us a part of your special day.

The second wedding was for a gal I just came to know during the past year or so (she hired me to play piano a year ago after her boss attended a wedding I played piano in). She and her husband also have a wonderful story, and it was a very fun wedding. The Pastor forgot to turn his microphone off after they had recessioned out to the back of the church, and you could hear the Pastor and wedding party hollering in excitement once the wedding was over and their friends were now joined as one. It was very cute. The weekend couldn't have gone any better! If you or anyone you know need a pianist for an upcoming wedding, please email me.

When A Stranger Does Something Nice For You...

Do you ever feel strange when someone wants to do something nice for you, especially if that person is a stranger? While on my way to a wedding yesterday, this stranger was watching me pump gas and came over and offered to wash all of my windows for me (our car was filthy since we had just gotten back from Vashon Island the day before). Anyways, I started to get worried like he was going to try and jump into my car and kidnap me, so my guard was up. I had to confess this the Lord afterwards (and ask for the stranger to forgive me) since he was really just doing a nice thing. It's sad that we cannnot appreciate things like this in today's age. There are so many weirdos out there, and it's too bad we have to put our guard up in this type of situation...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


My daughter calls her binki her "ABC's". I have no idea why. Please stop asking me why on earth my daughter has named her binki "ABC". (LOL). I get asked this frequently, and I believe that I will never know, it is just her thing. Now that she's 2, we are desperately trying to find a way to get rid of the "ABC" for good. Any suggestions? Do your children have any funny names for their security items?

Suggestions would be appreciated. I do not want my daughter attending preschool with her "ABC" in tact...especially since I cannot understand anything she's saying while it is in her mouth.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I have a confession to make.....Sometimes I feel like I am just winging this whole parenting thing.

A True Patriot

The world lost another solider today. A roadside bomb took the life of Nic Madrazo, a Marine, who was proudly serving our country overseas in Afghanistan. He carried out the most corageous job in the whole world. There are no words. I did not know him as well as others that went to our high school, and his closest friends said some beautiful things about him here (http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=26194538403). Please pray for his family during this difficult time. We may have lost another solider today, but Heaven has recieved another Angel.

The righteous perish, and no one ponders it in his heart; devout men are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death. Isaiah 57:1-2

Precious in the sight of the LORD [is] the death of his saints. Psalms 116:15

Monday, September 8, 2008

Patience, Routines and A Million Questions...

There are 3 huge things I've learned in my journey through Motherhood. The main thing I've learned (or in my case accomplished) is how to have patience. I was never a patient person growing up. Children love to test your patience. And they know exactly which buttons to push in order to drive your patience to the next level. In the early stages of motherhood, I had to have patience with the lack of sleep, and also with things like having to plan on being at least a half hour late during the first few months of being a mother (since you must learn to master the act of packing up a diaper bag, carseat and carrier, 2 bottles, breast pump, toys, binki's, at least 3 change of clothes...for myself and the baby, I had a spitter!, wiper warmer, spit rags, my own purse, oh and the BABY). In the next stage of motherhood you have to learn patience with your child as they themselves try to master the act of feeding themselves, dressing themselves, and doing everything BY THEMSELF! My mom is so funny, she calls Ava her little "do it myself grand-daughter". Ava has to do everything (and I mean everything) by herself, which is hard for me because I am pretty much a control freak (Gee, I wonder where she gets it from then)!. I have to say I am quite proud of becoming a pretty patient person these past couple of years with Ava. I am not perfect though, sometimes I have to go and scream into my pillow so that I do not demonstrate my lack of patience in front of a 2 year old who absorbs every action and word I say and do into her ever evolving brain. Children are like little sponges, which can be pretty scary if you don't watch what you say or do in their presence...

The next thing I've learned is how to master the art of a good routine. Children love routines. And they hate when you throw them off of their normal one. Ava has to wake up every morning and lay in our bed for a couple minutes before going downstairs. She also has to watch a Sesame Street almost immediately after waking up (I know some of you out there probably do not let their children watch TV, but I've made an exception for Sesame Street since it teaches them some great stuff....and keeps them occupied for at least 20 mintues). Plus, she is obsessed with Elmo. We have a million other routines throughout the day, but there is no way I could fit them into one post. One thing we have to say to her everynight before she goes to bed now is "Jesus loves you, I love you, see you in the morning." My mom used to always say this to me before I went to bed everything, and I've subconciously said it to Ava everynight since she was a newborn. Isn't it strange how that happens?

The final thing I've learned is how to come up with a million answers to the same question over and over. I read somewhere than women say somewhere around 500,000 words a day, or some crazy number like that. Men only say half of what women do during a day (although I beg to differ during fantasy football season when my husband is constantly on the phone for hours on end with other guys in his league). Anyways, back to my point......I think 2 year olds probably come close to saying 500,ooo words a day as well. Ava can sit there and ask me questions to anything and everything, and unless I come up with an answer, will sit there constantly asking me over and over until I respond. Case in point, here is a conversation between us tonight after my husband left for softball:

Me: Ouch! (stubbed my toe on the island)
Ava: Wha happen mommy?
Me: Ouch!
Ava: Mommy, wha happen, mommy wha happen toe mommy?
Me: I stubbed my toe Ava, mommy is in pain
Ava: Oh no mommy, Ava kiss toe mommy?
Me: No Ava that's okay, finish your dinner
Ava: Why mommy? Wha happened?
Me: Ava, mommy's okay, eat your dinner
Ava: Mommy, no you sad mommy? Want bandaid mommy?
Me: No, mommy feels better now, please eat 2 more bites
Ava: Mommy, what doing, mommy?
Me: (about ready to scream from the pain and from all of the questions) I'm cleaning up honey
Ava: Mommy, where daddy go?
Me: He's playing softball sweet-heart
Ava: Why mommy?
Me: I don't know Ava, because it's Monday and that's what he does on Monday's
Ava: Why mommy?
Me: Let's go brush your teeth and read a book
Ava: But mommy, I want posicle. I have posicle mommy?
Me: No, it's too late, we need to brush your teeth and get ready for bed
Ava: Why mommy?
Me: Because if I give you a popsicle now, and don't brush your teeth, you will not fall asleep for at least another hour, your teeth will eventually rot out of your head, and mommy will not get the house clean because I will be so tired, and I will be late for work tomorrow because I cannot leave for the day with the house a mess
Ava: Mommy, look at mess mommy! (she had dumped spaghetti all over her head while I was answering all of her questions and trying to ice my toe).

And the beat goes on....

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Little Sailor Girl

Ava has the special privledge of being a flower girl in 2 weddings this year. My great friend Crystal (http://crystallynntakesonworld.blogspot.com/) is getting married in less than a week (no photos yet of Ava in that dress) and the second is my cousin Michelle's wedding, who currently serves in the US Navy. Michelle picked out matching sailor girl outfits for Ava and her cousin Kendal to wear in the wedding. Here is Ava modeling it a few days ago! I think it is perfect for her Navy wedding. Gosh, I love this girl!