I've had alot of people ask me how things have been around the Heston Household since the magical Binkie Fairy came on Friday night. Let's just say that we're all a little tired around here. Saturday morning was pretty difficult for me (I know, this all sounds really pathetic, you don't have to comment on that....). Josh, I mean, the Binkie Fairy, thought it would be a good idea around 4am on Saturday morning to just rip out the binkie from poor Ava's mouth and let her wake up around 8am without it. What Josh, I mean the Binkie Fairy, did not plan on was Ava waking up IMMEDIATELY in major melt-down mode trying to figure out why her binkie had been ripped from her mouth suddenly in the middle of her slumber. Both barbies were waiting for her on her pillow (like we had told her would happen)....but she was NOT having it at all. After throwing both barbies across the room, throwing a fit for about 2 hours sobbing and asking me "where is my binkie? Mama, please go get me another binkie!".....she finally calmed down and watched a movie with me (mind you, this was still at like 5:30am). I didn't think it would be so hard on me. Hearing your daughter sobbing unconditionally, and knowing that you could fix it (by caving and just going to the store for a new binkie), was really difficult for me. I think it is because I'm such a people pleaser. I can NEVER say no to anyone. Don't get me wrong, Ava does not get everything she wants, but there is nothing harder than seeing your child suffer. I know that this is all very silly, but I did get teary eyed and felt bad for her! She's had her 'plug' ever since she was one day old, and I can only imagine what children go through when their security items are taken away.
Anyways, all of that aside, today has been a much better day. None of us have really slept all that much this weekend (of course, I'm getting over being really sick and having Ava wake up every couple of hours screaming for her binkie haven't helped much) but we're getting through it. Thank you for all of your funny emails and comments. Parenting is such a wonderful journey and it's comforting knowing that we're all in this together!
Oh my gosh!!! So when we were in the Midwest and our Godson was sobbing about something I tried to make him all better - just to be told by Sarah that sometimes you just need to let them be. Needless to say, I might need some advice from you once we have children.
And when might that be? HAHAHAHA. I'm sure you NEVER get asked that question! XO
Thankfully we took Porter's binkie from him on his 1st birthday, we didn't have any problems (thank goodness), I'm not sure what I would have done had we had that situation. Then again Porter didn't sleep through the night until after he was a year old anyway.
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