One person in seven goes to bed hungry every day.
One-third of the world’s population is undernourished.
There are 25,000 starvation-related deaths each day.
Each night more than 300 million children go to bed hungry.
Every day, over 12,000 children (one every 7 seconds) die from hunger-related causes.
Approximately 146 million or 27 percent of children under age 5 in developing countries are underweight.
Nearly 17 percent of babies in developing countries are born with a low birth weight compared with only 7 percent of babies in industrialized countries.
More than 4.4 million children die from malnutrition each year.
Worldwide, 161 million preschool children suffer chronic malnutrition.
Tomorrow is Global Food Crisis Day. I am going to partake in the challenge and stick to eating only one cup of rice per day (which is equivalent to what many children and families around the world are only able to eat in a given day). I know that this challenge won't make a difference in the world, but I hope that it will raise awareness in myself.....make a difference in myself; my attitude. It absolutely breaks my heart to read the statistics up above. I could never imagine watching my child go hungry. When you are a mother, the desire to provide for your family is a constant aching in your heart....a constant battle. Thinking about families all over the world who have to watch their children go hungry is devastating. Here are a few more statistics.
• $13 helps a child for one month
• $39 helps three children for one month
• $78 helps six children for one month
If these statistics have weighed heavy on your heart, I would encourage you to donate. If you can't donate, I would encourage you to partake in the challenge. One cup of rice tomorrow. That's it. Let me know if you do this, I'd love to hear about it!
http://www.one.org/, http://www.bread.org/, http://www.unicef.org/, http://www.who.int/, http://www.unep.org/
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